Living with HIV/Aids.
For families with migration background and/or refugee experience
The Aidshilfe Westmünsterland is a non-government organisation which was founded to help people with HIV/Aids or other sexual transmittable infections (STI).
Your questions:
- How does the German health system work?
- Which departments are responsible for me?
- Where do I get a HIV-test?
- Where can I find medical help?
- Who do I need to inform about the HIV-Infection?
Our offer:
- We will guide you through the German health and help system.
- We help you to find suitable doctors.
- We inform you anonymously and free of charge about HIV/Aids and other sexual transmittable infections (incl. testing).
- We support you in your pregnancy.
If you have any questions, do not hesitate to call Manuela Brandt at +49 (0)2561 / 97 17 37
or get in contact via e-mail:
In urgent cases please contact the Aidshilfen advisory service by telephone on 0180 33 19411
(maximum 9 cents per minute from the German landline network, maximum 42 cents / min. From German mobile networks).
Phone hours: Mon – Fri: 9 am – 9 pm – Sat/Sun: 12 pm – 2 pm